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Lishy’s Gift is a charitable organization with the purpose of raising the quality of life for young adult (19-30) cancer patients in the Roanoke, VA area. While the hospital and medical staff are meeting all health and nutritional needs, there remains many comfort needs that are not provided. Lishy’s Gift is stationed to help supply these needs.

Who was Lishy:

Elisha Guillard, the daughter of Pete and Andrea Guillard, who as a young adult of 22 years of age was full of life with a lively spirit. As all young adults, she was full of hopes and dreams for her future that ended abruptly on February 6, 2018. Following a simple eye exam, just 39 days before, she was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia – acute Byphenotypic Leukemia. With this type, both the Myeloid and Lymphoid cells are affected. All her ambitions and dreams were put on hold and her interests were refocused on beating this thing.

In her short stay in the hospital Elisha, “Lishy”, really felt the desire to help others like her when she beat her cancer. In her case, cancer won, and she never got the chance to help others. To honor her and keep her desire to help other young adult cancer patients alive, “Lishy’s Gift” is being started. Its goal is to help make life a bit easier for those who suffer, as she did, here in the Roanoke valley. With “Lishy’s Gift”, we want to raise the quality of life when life is at its worst.

The Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley (WRC) is a local non-profit organization providing advocacy, programs, and services to women, men, and children affected by domestic and sexual violence. Working towards creating a community free of sexual and domestic violence, the WRC also provides education, training, and prevention programming to the public and allied professionals. The center, the oldest in Virginia, has been and will continue to be the cornerstone of courage and inspiration for thousands of people in our community.